Principle #1: Audience of One (AO1)
Who or what do I worship?
1Kings 18:20-40
1. What is/was the purpose of sports?
Sports is a ___ gift____ from God and a ____privelege____.
2. What has sports become?
Sports has become an ____idol_____.
Culture tells us that _____success in sports_____ is the meaning of life.
“Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God.” --Luther
1 Kings 18:20-40 Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
What was the problem with the Israelites?
There worship was ______divided______.
1. Everything is compartmentalized ---> If we are a house, some rooms we let God into and others we don't
2. We fit God into our lives.
God exists for ___me___! (Good Luck Charm/Genie in a Bottle) ---> To serve my own interests
CHALLENGE: Be a _____DEVOTED_____ worshipper!
What is the greatest commandment? (Matt. 22:37)
Love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. Love God completely, don't leave anything out.
1. All areas of life exist __for__ God.
2. God is not in your life....He IS your life.
Which athlete (#1 or #2) do you relate to?
We have a choice
1. Will we go along with the culture and worship sports and allow people to
worship us?
2. Will we give our allegiance to God as the only one worthy of our worship?
When we worship God, how does it change our perspective on sport?
Winning is not everything, so it frees us to a better competitor.
When we give our allegiances to God He becomes the
only thing that matters and we begin to compete for
an ___Audience ___ _of_ __One__!
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