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Monday, February 18, 2013

Principle #3: Holy Sweat/Wholly Surrender

Principle #3: Holy Sweat/Wholly Surrender
How do I grow?
Luke 4:1-13

1.    Who was your favorite athlete/hero as a child? Did you want to be like them? Why?

2.    How did you go about trying to be like that person?

“Our goal in life is not happiness but holiness. Jesus called us to be like Him: to think like Him, to feel like Him, to act like Him...all the time. If we are to become like Him, we must enter into the same type of training program He did. Just as there are no shortcuts to greatness in sport, there are no shortcuts to godliness in life”

Holiness is our calling. Sweat & Surrender are what it takes to get there.

Luke 4:1-13 Jesus Tempted in the Desert

What prepared Jesus to face these temptations?

Jesus kept responding with “It is written,” so clearly He knows scripture. Jesus was also full of the Holy Spirit.

What can you and I do to become more like Jesus?

1.    Submit to the SPIRIT of God (The Player-Coach)
Player- Coah refers to someone who has played the game, so they can relate to what we are going through.

*There are 3 separate persons, but all are fully God. The Holy Spirit lives in Christians*

A.    The role of the Holy Spirit

-       Luke 4:1 = leads, empowers

-       John 14:26 = teacher, counsels

-       How does God communicate with us?

o   Through his word

o   Through others

o   Through the changing of your heart

B.    The role of Solitude

-       John 10:4 = we have to be able to recognize His voice

-       How is self control beneficial in sports?

o   Nutrition

o   Attitude

o   Training

C.   The role of Prayer

-       1 Thessalonians 5:17 = “pray without ceasing”

-       Why pray?

o   Prayer is a sign of submission

o   The creator of the universe lets us talk to Him whenever we want. Jesus even prayed.

o   Our opportunity to have a conversation with God

2.    Submit to the WORD of God (The Play Book)

A.    Marinating on Scripture

-       What does it mean to marinate?

o   Soak up the qualities of something

B.    Memorize the Scripture

-       Psalm 119:11

-       When Jesus was tempted He responded with scripture

3.    Submit to the PLAN of God (Run the play)

A.    A total athlete runs the play every time!

-       What keeps us from submitting to God’s plan?

o   Pride

o   Selfishness

-       John 14:6

B.    What is God’s plan for us?

-       Romans 12:1-2

Opposite of selfishness = selflessness


(Sweat = Things we have to do to grow closer to God)
- Sarah

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